Monday, August 8, 2016

1998 Version of Godzilla is not Pretentious and Deserves a Look

The 1998 version of Godzilla with Matthew Broderick has excoriated by many since its release. Rita Kempley of The Washington Post sums the sentiment. The film “neither draws upon our fears nor revels in the original’s camp charms. The picture really isn’t about anything, while size vanquishes both substance and subtlety in the overhyped, half-cocked and humorless resurrection of dear old Godzilla Movies… Sorry Rita, I disagree.

The problem you have begins with dear old Godzilla and the camp charms. There was nothing dear, campy or thought provoking about the 1954 version of the high pitched lizard. (The same does not go for the uncut Japanese version, though) So this film takes the silly premise, refuses to take itself overly seriously and runs with it for a good old ride on the popcorn machine.

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